#34: That was unintentional.
June 01, 2006

I realized every time I pee, I make sure I'm not dreaming.

Then, I'd force myself to "wake up" just in case. Truth is, I may just dream I'm in the toilet, and when I really wake up, whaa la.

There'd be pee on my bed.

Maybe all along I'm wishing my life would be a dream itself. Maybe that's why I'm doing such a stupid thing.

Or maybe I'm simply forcing myself to wake up to a fresh new day, rather than to make sure I don't pee in my bed. Yeah, maybe that could be it.

But how? Because not even once I did successfully wake myself up while in the toilet.

Then suddenly I realized, there's not even a need to be typing all these down. Because it's not even going anywhere, at all.

8:31 p.m.

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