#21: Is that it?
April 16, 2006

Why didn't I meet you earlier? Tell you earlier? And hopefully, be with you earlier?

And why didn't I let you know earlier, that I'd rather you see me jump off a cliff, than die alone twenty years down the road? That I'd rather have you sticking needles into my skin, than figure out the way to Heaven, all by myself? That I'd rather struggle forever to break free from a maze you made full of thorns and stings no one can ever escape, than sit down with a hot cup of coffee on a rocking chair, and enjoy the sunset?

So that you'll understand? That you won't go scratching your head trying to assume what I'm thinking? And what I'm doing?

But no matter what, dearest. Even a three-year-old would know how this is going to end.

12:58 p.m.

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