#333: Letter to a friend.
August 02, 2013

My dear friend, when I see you, I see a fraud. A fraud who has led everyone around him to believe what he wants them to believe of himself. He is one who fills his stories with all the make-believe fun he thinks is enough to last his entire lifetime. But, friend, inside he is nothing but a tiny little insecure man, who has surrounded himself with all his fantasies and dreams of the world he both wants, and painfully wishes, to be in.

My friend, you, like the Pied Piper of Hameln, you are blowing into this pipe of yours, leading all your friends and family and everyone you have met like little children into your little cave. And because you are stuck in that cave of yours, along with all these people you have met, you will never be able to see that a fraud�one like yourself�will never be anything more than your own name�that is, a fraud.

3:56 p.m.

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