#286: A wedding march (pt 3).
February 04, 2013

"I know I usually don't talk to people about things like these, but I figured if there's one thing I must learn for me to grow up, it's learning how to open up about my feelings. Half a year ago I visited Europe for the first time and I thought I had it all figured out. I came back and decided I no longer want to stay in one place. I want a life that is exciting, fresh, constantly on the move. I figured I am now in a different place in all my relationships, and I no longer need these people. But the truth is, all that ever happened was that I found someone new.

Everything that followed became lies after lies I tell myself and all the people around me.

I tell them to feel less cruel. I tell them so I don't have to know what really went wrong. I tell them so up until now, I don't even know what we are. I tell them so I can continue to avoid these feelings while they disappear�because there is nothing I detest more than being left hanging.

And so I pretend.

Yet even now, I am afraid I hadn't tried hard enough; hadn't fought hard enough. I am afraid I have turned my back against a door I didn't even try opening. But the thing is, I don't think I can ever find the door knob to.

Now I am standing by this door�too small for my heart, too big to pull open. I turn to walk away but I am never ready to forget. I hold on to something I never had.

But don't worry. I know I am stronger than this. I won't let go if you won't let me."

11:26 p.m.

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