#157: And I know I'm right, for the first time in my life.
September 18, 2008

I once knew this boy. He was somewhere around my age. A starving young boy. Constantly looking out for jobs.

A starving, charming young boy.

He wasn't the greatest looking, wasn't the tallest, thinnest, smartest, didn't have the biggest personality, but he had this thing about him (no, I couldn't put my finger on what) that sucked me in like a vacuum (now that's the weirdest metaphor, I know).

Remember that time when your grandma told you when you were a kid? That sometimes, and somewhere out there, all of someone's faults and the tiny little imperfections somehow turns into huge plus signs glowing on top of his head. And that someone is the very person you will spend the rest of your life with. The person you share the last piece of your chocolate with. The person you see each morning when you wake up. The person who cleans up what you left behind and piggy-backs you wherever you go so you don't have to dirty your shoes.

The person.. he was that person.

And I once knew him.

Oh my, he. That starving, charming young man.

And I was such a bitch. He will find someone just for himself. And whoever that is, well, she's lucky. That's all there is to this.

10:35 p.m.

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