#152: I will eat you. All of you.
July 01, 2008

I was reminded of one of the conversations I had with LiYi some time back on the one-hour bus ride home today.

It started with a mindless chat, then we went to politics, some ministers, and then basketball players like Michael Jordan. He said some other guy in his team probably played almost as good as him, but he wasn't as well-known as someone else was because that someone else probably diverted everyone's attention away from him. So simply put, he should deserve the fame, too.

But that only goes to show that he's not trying hard enough.

Which only goes to show that I'm not trying hard enough. I'm not the best in the world, but I realized I'm just too used to the recognition I used to have in school. Now that in my class, all of us started from scratch, someone could be standing ahead of the starting line. But the person who was standing right in front wasn't me. I wished it was me. And it wasn't me.

This only goes to show that I'm not trying hard enough. Although I am privileged to be one of those standing ahead of the starting line, everything will soon tumble down because what I lack is the determination to outshine everyone else. And only when I find this 'determination' will I really, be right ahead of everyone.


But what-the-blah, welcome to a brand new month.

8:04 p.m.

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