#53: Life - get one.
September 05, 2006

Everytime someone says she "doesn't care even if you were to like that other girl" and that "all she wanted was for you to be happy", turns out, it's not like that at all.

It's not even a (fuck) teeny-weeny bit like that.

Turns out, she's just another bitch who could find nothing else better to do than decieve herself.

Deceiving herself..

How sad.

Turns out, she would do anything just to be with you.

Everytime a girl says "it'll be fine just by simply loving you" and "praying for you" or.. or even "watching you at a distance", turns out, she can't wait to get into your pants.

She can't wait to get into your asshole pants and start sucking the fucking daylights out of your good-for-nothing dick.


But it's okay. 'Cause one day those stinkin' little pests will be gone for good.

And wow.

It'll be hard to believe they were once what people labeled "Adorable".

10:33 p.m.

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