#24: Or.. maybe, this is it.
April 21, 2006

Was it just me? Or was it just an unpredictable coincidence?

Or maybe, God was playing a trick on me. That every single lie I said, will always become a reality. Maybe God was rolling a fiery ball of Me cross a plank to the other side of the mountain. Maybe God stopped in his tracks, and decided to go back again. Maybe he realized bouncing this ball and throwing Me around with a friendly game of Captain's Ball would be better. Maybe I was made nothing, but a fool.


How come nothing so embarrassing and humiliating happened to other people? How come everything I'm trying to avoid always come crawling toward me? And how come everytime, I'm the only person who knows everything? Even if I'm trying more than anyone else, not to udnerstand it? Even if I'm hoping hard to be deaf, and close my ears whenever I feel like it?

Maybe, really. Someday everything will be gone. Or maybe, I'll just have to go with the flow, and live with it.

Or maybe.. there never was a "Maybe".

6:25 p.m.

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